Timeless & Honest Studio Portraits

Photography that you will cherish forever

Hi there, it’s so nice to meet you.

I’m Kaley. I’m a Kansas City photographer, wife, and mom to three.

My mission as a portrait photographer is to capture emotive portraits of babies, children, and families that tell an honest story of who they are, celebrating their whole person. My style is timeless yet modern with a touch of playfulness. I aim to create portraits of your family that will be cherished for all the years to come.

Celebrating the unique personality of your most loved ones with intentional portraiture

Young child wrapping arms around mom for hug smiling
Newborn blue eyes yellow bow

Newborn Portraits

Let’s never forget those tiny lips, hands, and toes

I believe that newborns are perfect as they are, which is why I take a natural approach to newborn photography. I won’t overly pose your newborn or use extravagant props. Rather, I prefer to let them show us the essence of who they are, helping parents to revisit the fleeting days of their newborn's early existence.

Child Portraits

A celebration of the magic that is childhood

Child portraits are a delightful exploration of the vibrant and ever-changing world of childhood. With an approach that combines playfulness and genuine connection, I aim to capture the essence of each child's unique personality.

Family Portraits

All your people, together.

Through a blend of guided, posed compositions and candid moments, I seek to encapsulate the unique love that defines each family. From the warmth of embraces to the shared laughter and quiet glances, these portraits become a testament to the bonds that hold your family together.

  • Your pictures, talent, and skill are priceless!

    Callie O.

Let’s stop time together.

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